Thursday, 16 July 2015

Tour de France again after rest day.

Tuesday 14 July.


We went for a walk this morning before breakfast. It was dry but cold as we made our way along Ibis Rd. we walked as far as Foxon Rd and at the junction cut down towards the bridge over the main road. We didn't cross the bridge but turned right along Millar Rd which took us eventually to Abingdon Rd then home. It was a good walk with some stiff hills, we had to keep moving quickly to stay warm in the cold weather. It ended up as an hour's walk.


I made the breakfast as soon as we got in. Afterwards Moira was going Port Shepstone to pay the money for the removals into Stuttaford's account. Yesterday she had faxed the insurance and customs forms to their office but there were other agreement forms on her iPad she had to print off and fax. She planned to do that at the internet cafe. There was also shopping she had to do and while at the mall I asked her to get me a pair of safety goggles. My eyes were a bit sore from the grit and dust flying about while I was chipping away the tile adhesive.


As I had to wait for the goggles before starting to work on the space in the bathroom where I lifted a tile I decided to varnish the en suite toilet window. The old varnish had started to flake with the sun. I sanded the frame down to remove the loose varnish then used the vacuum cleaner to clear up the debris and dust. I then gave the window frames a good clean with water and 'Handy Andy'. While I waited for it to dry I gave our bedroom window another coat of varnish, the first coat that I put on a few weeks ago looked a bit thin. When I finished that the toilet window was ready and I gave it a thick coat of varnish. The windows don't look that great but it will protect the wood against the fierce summer sun.


I read my book until Moira got back. She didn't manage to get proper working goggles and got the type for swimmers instead, they would do the job. She had problems at the bank transferring the money for the removals. She had added Stuttaford's as a beneficiary to our account then had to go to the machine to make the payment. It kept refusing to make the transfer, it turned out she was taking too long checking that her entries were all correct and the machine timed-out. The assistant helped, she did it quickly and got the job done. Moira found that there were 14 pages in the agreement forms to print off, sign and then fax. She decided not to bother and phoned the woman at Stuttaford's who agreed to come to us tomorrow morning and get the forms signed.


While Moira made the lunch I put on the goggles and began chipping the adhesive in the bathroom. The first part getting rid off the large bits was easy but when it got to little bits and to smooth the surface and the edges it got tricky and time consuming. I spent the afternoon in short spells working on it. The goggles worked quite well and protected my eyes. The Tour de France was back today after their rest for a day. They were now in the Pyrenees, from Tardes to La-Pierre-Saint-Martin. This was quite near St-Jean-Pied-de-Port where we started the Camino de Santiago. Also the area was where we walked when we did the GR10 a route along near the tops of the Pyrenees, so we were familiar with the area. There was about 100 km to go to the finish when the transmission of the race started on TV. The route was more or less flat until the final 23 km when it went straight up to a mountain top finish. There was a pair in a breakaway and they were 15 minutes ahead but the peleton was now steadily pulling them in and when they reached the final hill they were overtaken. The Sky team with Froome and Moviestar with Quintana were at the front controlling the race. The pace got faster and faster and most of the pre-race favourites began to drop off the back of the bunch. With 10 km to go Froome broke clear and Quintana couldn't stay with him. Froome won the stage by a minute and Quintana was pipped on the line by Porte another Sky rider. Although Quintana had moved up to 3rd place in the GC he is now 3 minutes behind Froome, a lot to make up.


We had dinner early in case there would be a power cut but the lights stayed on. We haven't had an outage for some time now. We watched the quizzes on the TV until about 8 pm then read until bedtime. It was very cold in the house with this unusual non-Natal weather so Moira put on a fan heater we have. It at least took the chill from the air. I wore my warm pyjamas tonight, I had been cold in bed last night.



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