Monday, 29 June 2015

A bad defeat at bowls!

Saturday 27 June


I spent the morning after breakfast doing a few jobs around the house. We were worried about possible break-ins while we are away, with a lot of our stuff downstairs and not packed in boxes in the attic. Access to the house from the garage or back door was through another door into the lounge. Unfortunately there was something wrong with the lock on this door and Moira couldn't find a key to fit it. We had keys for the locks on the bedroom doors and bathroom. I swopped the lock from the small bedroom with the door into the lounge, now it locks perfectly.


Another job was to repair the support arm on the bureau desk. The screws had come out where the arm attaches to the desk. The wood was mostly chewed away and not enough left to secure the screws to. I got a knife and cut away the wood making a neat rectangular recess. I found a wooden cloths peg which was the correct width and cut it to length. It was a good fit. I fill the recess with contact adhesive and put some of the glue on the peg. I gave it 20 minutes to dry and then pressed it into position. Later when I checked it was set quite solid. I decided to leave it until tomorrow before trying to drill holes in it and screwing the arm in place, this would give it more time to really set and harden.


It was bowls in the afternoon; we decided that we weren't going to bother with 'Tweni club and just head for Southport where we were sure to get a game. It was an early lunch then we changed into our white and set off just before 1pm. It was trips again and I was playing with Tilly a woman who we made friends with when we were here before. She was the lead and the skip with Maurnie who played quite well the other week when she skipped the opponents when I played for Geoff, and we lost. This time she didn't play well and neither did the rest of us. I couldn't get my distance, I was either too long or short then when I tried to correct it went the other way. For some reason Maurnie wanted to drive at the head with nearly every shot and it was a disaster. Twice we lost ends by 7 shots because she wouldn't just draw into the head to try to limit our losses. At least we got into double figures, just, but lost 36-10.


At the interval it was another birthday or something because we got chocolate cake with our tea. At the end we stayed on for a drink. My opponent bought me a Castle and Moira whose side also had a shocking game was treated to a glass of wine. Moira enquired about the fees to join the club and it is a very reasonable R1000 for us both. There is an additional fee for the KBA, the district bowling association, but she didn't find out how much that was. We will probably join when we come out next year for a longer stay.


We got home at 5 pm and it was another evening without a power cut. Moira made a lovely spaghetti Bolognese then we settled down to read and listen to the radio, there wasn't anything on TV we wanted to watch. I started a new book, this was another detective mystery, this time one of the 'Vera' series by Ann Cleeves. It seems very good. It was bed at our normal time.


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