Monday, 15 June 2015

A lovely day for a walk on the beach.

Sunday 14 June.


We decided we had to get out today for some fresh air and exercise. We had our 'English breakfast' as usual for a Sunday, but it wasn't as full as normal, we cut down and it was just one egg, a slice of bacon and one Escort sausage. After clearing up we got our takkies on and set off for our walk.


The weather was lovely, and after a cloudy start when we got up the sky had cleared to beautiful blue. We made our way over to Old Faith's Road and followed it down to the Spar and the main road. We got a lovely view of the coast from high up on the road. There were lots of people out on the beach below fishing. The sardines had started to run last week, a bit early this year though they said last year there hadn't been any at all. The fishermen get out now as the large shoals of sardines attract lots of other larger fish. There was a good surf running as well and far out a speed boat towing a water skier was skimming over the waves.




After crossing over the main road we carried straight until the path over the railway that led to a track down to the beach. Where it was flat the sand was loose and difficult going underfoot but near the sea where it was firmly packed it shelved steeply into the water. There were a lot of fishermen along this stretch as well and I actual saw somebody catch a fish from the shore but it wasn't particularly big. There were lots of rocks along the coast causing the breakers to spray high in the sky. We examined the rock pools as we passed but there was no sign of any sea life. As we got near the main Umtentweni access to the beach it was busier with people sunbathing and some were even in swimming.


We cut up there to the road and walked up past the bowling green to the road on the other side of the railway line. Half way along we cut up and crossed the bridge over the main road. On the other side it was then a turn to the left towards the Spar. We bought some bread and the South African 'Sunday Times'. From there it was up the hill and home. We had been out for 2 hours and I had taken off my t-shirt going along the beach it was so warm, hopefully it will build up my tan again.


It was lunchtime when we got in then I settled down with the newspaper. It isn't much of a newspaper but it does have a good puzzle page with 3 crosswords, a brain teaser and a few other puzzles. I did one of the crosswords then turned the TV on to check on the sport. The 3rd ODI between England and NZ had just begun and England was batting. I watched it on and off all afternoon while reading and doing crosswords. England were going quite well and should have reached about 350 but messed up near the end and were bowled out for 302 with 6 overs remaining. NZ took it steadily and didn't try anything stupid, they won easily.


We had curry for dinner tonight. I didn't have a lot, but managed to finish what I had. My appetite still hasn't returned. There was an episode of 'Vera' on BBC Entertainment tonight but I got the time wrong. I thought it was 7:30 pm and continued watching the cricket to the finish. When I turned over I found it had begun at 7 pm and we had missed half an hour. It turned out that it was one from the latest series and we saw it a month or so ago. Instead I put the Freeview Recorder on and watched a 'Dalziel and Pascoe'. We had seen that before as well but a long time ago and I couldn't remember the end.


We got to bed at our normal time and this time I had a great night's sleep. It must have been the walk and the fresh air, I will go out again tomorrow.





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