Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Another beach walk.

Tuesday 16 June.


We went out for another walk this morning after breakfast. It was a beautiful day again and very warm in the sun, we tried to keep in the shade where we could. We took a few different streets to get down to the Spar supermarket and passed down where Carol and Ray used to stay before moving to Cape Town last year. At the Spar we took Link Road along to the bridge over the main road, this was


the reverse of the way we walked on Sunday. Once over the bridge we headed by the bowling green, there was a pairs inter-club contest on and we spoke to one of the bowlers who was out front having a smoke. The beach today was easier to walk on, the tide was out and there was plenty of hard packed sand to stride out on. It took less time to reach the path up to the road at the Village Hall with the better conditions underfoot. Once on the road it was along to the junction at the main road then up the hill home. One interesting thing on the horizon as we climbed the hill was something that closely resembled a palm tree but was in actual fact a mobile phone mast. It was well camouflaged and in no way obtrusive.




Once we got in I had to fix one of the down-lights. I had put in the new bulbs when we got back yesterday but one couldn't have been secured properly by the clip and had dropped out. Fortunately it was still hanging by the attached electrical cable. This time I made sure it was in securely. It was now lunchtime and we had cheese rolls with another type of roll that Moira bought at Pick-n-Pay yesterday. It was much better and not so doughy.


Moira spent the afternoon working on the net curtains. I had to hold one end while she cut along the pinned crease with the scissors. She got the set up on the front window in the lounge and it is looking much better. I read my 'Rumpole' and worked on a crossword. I turned on the TV thinking there would be the next in the ODI series between England and NZ but it wasn't on, probably tomorrow. Instead after dinner I put the recorder on and first watched a good programme about ships built on the Clyde; 'Clydebuilt'; this was about the battle cruiser HMS Hood that was the pride of the navy between the wars but was eventually sunk by the Bismarck. Its decks weren't sufficiently protected by armoured plating and a shell went straight through to the ammunition store. It sank in a matter of minutes. After that I put on a 'Foyle's War' that we didn't remember seeing before, it was very good.


The packing had come out of my ear this morning. It was a soggy mass and I didn't fancy putting it in again. Instead Moira cleaned round the inside of the ear and I stuffed in some fresh cotton wool. I have to go to Dr Viljoen tomorrow so she can repack it if necessary. It feels fine anyway, but I took a couple of painkillers again before getting to bed just in case it got sore.




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