Saturday, 27 June 2015

Fish & Chips by the river.

Thursday 25 June.


I was a bit late wakening up this morning so we didn't go for an early walk. We were going out for lunch today at the 'Fish on the River' restaurant and I suggested to Moira that we could walk there, but she didn't think the route there was very safe as we passed a township near where we crossed over the motorway. She suggested we wait until tomorrow and make sure we get up and out early instead of lying in our beds.


Instead of going out we worked some more in the garden at the back after breakfast. I cut back the hedge while Moira stuffed the cuttings into the bin bags. Anna, Munro's wife, came across when she saw us working in the garden and asked if we could cut the top of a bush in our front garden. It was blocking their view of the front gate and they couldn't see if it was opening when they had guests arriving. We agreed to cut it back but I thought it was a bit of a cheek; I was under the impression that the phone at the gate was for guest to communicate with who they were visiting to open the gate, none of the other houses can see the gate anyway so why should they have the privilege. Obviously Munro had sent his wife over to complain because if he had come over I would have chased him the same way I did when he objected to some white paint that had been splashed on the green roof when we were having the house painted.


When we went out for lunch at 1:30 pm. It wasn't very busy today, the weather not being particularly South African, overcast and cold. We had on our trousers and fleeces. It didn't take long for our fish and chips to be prepared and we had it with a beer. On the way back we picked up the local paper at the Spar supermarket. I attempted the crosswords in that paper when we got in but didn't managed to complete them. I then spent some time writing a short history of our life in South Africa and what we did after I retired. I felt that what I had written justified our claim that we should be classified as resident in South Africa for tax purposes. I made it into a letter and emailed it to Suzy asking her to print it off and post it to Mr Muncaster at the tax office. These should be good discussion points when I phone him on we getting to the UK in August. Suzy emailed back a little while later that she had printed it off and it was in an envelope for posting on her way home from work.


I started a new book I got from the library after dinner, it was by Reginald Hill, the creator of Dalziel and Pascoe, 'The Low Road'. It was an old one written in the 1970's and must have been one of his first. Later we watched TV, there was the comedy 'Open all Hours' on BBC Entertainment and that was followed by a 'Call the Midwife' that we hadn't seen before. We got to bed at our usual time.



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