Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Worries over tax problem!

Monday 22 June.


I had recovered a bit from my worry about the tax situation. Suzy had said it was concerning my last tax return and that was when Tongaat pushed the pension fund out to Old Mutual to handle. It resulted in all the pensioners getting a lump sum. I am assuming they want to know why there was a sudden jump in my income.


Moira went out early this morning, before even having breakfast. She had made an appointment on Friday with the doctor as the licensing people had said to get her eyesight test and certificate done by her doctor. When she had got the optician to do it on Saturday she had to get to the medical centre when it opened first thing to cancel her appointment. While she was out she decided to go with the certificate from the optician to the licensing office. Unfortunately the girl who she was to see hadn't arrived so she would have to go back later.


I had had my breakfast while she was out but had her muesli, yoghurt and banana all ready for her coming in. All I had to do then was make some fresh tea and prepare toast. Later in the morning I wanted to go in with Moira when she returned for her licence and go to the bank to transfer some money to the UK. I was going to transfer it to Suzy as a present but Moira hadn't got her new bank account details yet. She just went on her own while I worked and managed to complete today's crossword. She was successful with all the requirements; completed form, eye-test and photograph, now it takes them 2 months to produce the actual licence. We will be away by then and Moira said she will get Alison's husband to collect it for us. He's a policemen and is based near the licensing office.


After lunch we received the bank account numbers from Suzy so headed into Port Shepstone and the bank. We didn't have to wait long and there wasn't any problems just a long form to fill in. The teller did most of it then we went to a table and completed our personal details. The money should be transferred in about 3 days. On the way home we stopped at the library. Our books were due back and we picked up some new ones.


We still hadn't got the letter from the taxman emailed from Suzy. Moira texted her at work and eventually it came through. Suzy phoned just after to say she had tried to phone the taxman, to tell him we were in SA and couldn't deal with it, but he wasn't in this afternoon. She said she would try again in the morning but I said to hold on until I had read the letter. There was in a actually fact 2 letters from the same man and dated the same day. The first one wanted to look into at my last return and it sound quite friendly. The second letter was more worrying because of what he wanted and the tone. I was to give information going back 5 years. There were threats of penalties for underpayment and how well I cooperate and also mention of possible legal proceedings. I was to respond to this letter by June 16, so I was already late which added to my other concerns.


With all this worry my stomach was in a knot and I was shaking. I tried to eat some dinner but I just felt sick. I watched a couple of quiz programmes on the TV then a 'Mash' we hadn't seen, on the recorder. I couldn't be bothered watching anything else and started one of the books I got from the library. It was another Rumpole, 'The Penge bungalow Murders' but I found it difficult to concentrate. My eyes were heavy and I ended up falling asleep in the chair. I went to bed when I woke suddenly but then couldn't get to sleep again because of continually worrying. I had visions of the tax authorities with their tremendous powers they have taking all our money and me ending up in jail. When Moira came to bed she managed to calm me down and said she had set up Skype on the iPad and we would phone the man in the morning and sort things out, hopefully. I'm afraid she has more confidence then me.


I managed to get some sleep but whenever I did waken the whole business kept playing on my mind and it was difficult to get back over again.



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